Monday, March 4, 2019

Green Street research

Green Street Research

- The title of this film was 'Green Street'.
- It was released in 2005 and it was made by MVM Studios who used to be OddLot Entertainment.
- This film is set in East and Central London.
- The genre is crime and drama and it is focused solely on football firms and fan hooliganism.

- The two producers for Green Street were Donald Zuckerman and Deborah Del Prete.
- A producers role is to oversee the whole production process and they may be employed by the production company or they will work independently. They usually have the final say for the script that is going to be used. They will also coordinate the writing, directing and the editing.
- The producer would oversee all aspects of the film because they would be handling the financial side of it so it may be that they hold the rights over all of it.
- The research behind this concept to the film wouldn't have been to hard to gain because if you follow football enough, or even just a bit, you will know that West Ham and Millwall fans hate each other.

Target Audience
- The specific target audience audience for this film would be young and middle aged adults especially those who would declare themselves as football fans because they would want to see other perspectives on matchdays. You could even say Americans who aren't even that interested in football as they might want to see what certain English football fan culture is like.

- The audience were clearly targeted because it's about a stereotypical American who flies over to London and then he gets involved with the violence that can find you at a football match and the Londoners all use the word 'Yank' a lot which shows that an American being at the football isn't wrong but a bit of a joke for them and all of this is clearly shown in the trailers.
- The strategies that they used that were effective would've been the trailers mostly as they are a good way of advertising a new media product, then there would be the posters that would've been used but also football fans love seeing new films like 'Goal' and 'Football Factories' and I know this, speaking as a football fan, but also using quite a big London club like West Ham who are known for their rivalry with Millwall was clever as that would attract a lot of their fanbase to watch it.

Marketing Strategies
- I have seen just two different film trailers for Green Street.
- There are also quite a few posters that were made for it too
- There was a big movie premiere for it on the 9th September 2005

- The two distributors for Green Street were Universal UK (UK) which is a big company in the production industry and Freestyle Releasing  (US) which I haven't heard of before.
- It made $4.33 million at the box office.
- The benefits of selecting the right distributers are that the film can be seen by the targeted primary audience and then the secondary audiences.